Thursday 21 January 2016

Introducing Fantastical Folk

Good day to you, and welcome to Fantastical Folk!

On this blog I will be sharing an exploration into the world of folklore and fantasy. Writing, performance, and music are the primary media that I will be looking at.

"Why?" I hear you cry!

Firstly I love fantasy and folklore, ruddy love the stuff. And after spending many a delightful eve pouring over books of the fantasy persuasion, and more recently folklore, I have finally caved and decided to indulge in some thorough research. Dragons, magic, battles, fantastical worlds...I love them. Robert Jordan's The Wheel of Time (wow), Anne McCaffrey and her dragons (I want one please and thank you), Pratchett's Discworld (no comment even needed).I could write masses on my favourites, and with this new blog I most probably will, but let's keep it short and sweet for now!

Secondly, I am hoping to start some positive and interesting discussions about folklore and fantasy work! How does this storytelling work in the modern age? Is it just pure magical escapism or do these genres hold genuine social resonance in their roots?

And thirdly, shockingly, and completely originally….I am a writer. Primarily of plays, secretly of fiction, and also of songs. My research of late has taken me down a particularly folklorish path and I have stumbled upon the pitfall that faces everyone who says "I'm going to take a year out of projects to write"... a lack of focus. As many of you creative types out there can empathise with I am finding myself twiddling my thumbs a lot more than tapping my fingers on the keyboard. Therefore I will commit to sharing a post once a week creating a much needed kick to get a shuffle on with my independent work.

Well, there's a brief summary! My first official post will be out this weekend and is a review of a Ghost Walk I went on in my new home town of Norwich.

Over and out


Disclaimer: I have spent the majority of today figuring out how to blog in the first place, bear with me as I learn the ways of the craft!

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