Thursday 23 February 2017

Fantastical Faffing

Wow this blog lasted a long time didn’t it?

In a completely original I’m-sure-no-one-ever-does-this kind of way, I got excited about writing a blog and lasted a whopping three posts! Goodness me, move over literary greats there is a new lady in town!

There ends my text based tap on the wrist for being bad at blogging.

What have I been up to since 3rd March 2016?

Well I moved out of freelancing and started a full time job. It sounds all very grown up until you find out I’m the Events and Story Manager for a woodland adventure park full of mysterious marshy creatures call Boggles and Twiggles. My days there are metaphorically, and indeed literally, full of glitter.

This seemed to take up all of my brain space in 2016. As 2017 chimed, feeling all settled in at work, I delved back into music and writing...then remembered this little blogging beauty of a past time!

So I am going to jump back in and write a proper post, (after this one explaining why I haven't written a post!)

I recently have had all sorts of fantasy based fun in the form of playing the truly excellent Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past video game, picking up the Anne McCaffrey Dragon series again, and even started reading my very first Terry Brooks Novel, The Sword of Shannara. I also am going to play my debut game of Dungeons and Dragons in the near future! So lots of stuff for me to type about :)

Folk wise music is still my main outlet, and I’m looking forward to performing at Bromsgrove Folk Festival this year with my band Patchwork Skies!

So let’s get cracking on something interesting, a real post is coming very very very (very) very soon!



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